
Everyone involved in cricket has the right to be protected from harassment, abuse and harm.  As the international governing body for cricket, the ICC is committed to ensuring a safe and protected environment for all participants.   

The ICC recognises that ensuring the welfare of all those participating in cricket is essential in its own right, but it is also vital for the reputation of cricket and its long-term health and vitality at all levels. Accordingly, the ICC expects all National Cricket Federations and Participants to maintain appropriate standards and behaviour concerning their welfare and that of other people around them at all times.  In this regard, the ICC is committed to supporting its Members to implement best practice to ensure the welfare of all participants and, in particular, Protected Persons within the Members’ jurisdiction. 

The ICC, acknowledging its commitment to support an environment and a culture free from prohibited conduct, has established the ICC Safeguarding Regulations which provide a framework to address matters concerning the harm, possibility of harm, and abuse of Protected Persons in connection with ICC Events.  

The ICC Safeguarding Regulations can be found on the ICC website (ICC Safeguarding Regulations eff 1 May 2019) 

For queries regarding ICC Safeguarding Regulation at ICC Events, please contact: 

The ICC Safeguarding Regulations, however, only apply at ICC Events.  It is the responsibility of Member Boards to develop their own safeguarding policies and procedures to protect those involved in cricket within their jurisdiction from harassment, abuse and harm, in line with their local legal and cultural context and in collaboration with local experts and the relevant authorities.   

To assist Member Boards with this (while noting that some Members already have developed safeguarding policies and procedures) and because the ICC does not control the day-to-day operations of its Members, or their affiliated organisations, the ICC has compiled the following resources for the use of Members to provide minimum guidelines and requirements.  These resources will be kept up to date by the ICC and it is intended that cricket specific resources will also be developed by the ICC and added to this list in due course.  Members are therefore advised to routinely check the content on this page and to note, at this stage, that the below resources will need some review and adaption to ensure they fit the cricket context. 

If Members have any queries regarding any of the below, or more general guidance on the development of their own policies and procedures, please contact:   


For National Federations: